Wednesday 2 January 2013

Vehicle livery solutions

Vehicle livery solutions

A vehicle can be more than a way to get around. Through digital vehicle signage graphics any vehicle can be turned into a billboard for your small or large business. There are many examples of vehicle graphics that you can see every day. A common place to see vehicle livery solutions in action is in any city centre in the UK. Taxis are routinely wrapped with graphics to become moving advertisements that are seen by thousands of people.

Another common place to see vehicle graphics is on the motorway. Fleets of trucks have graphics applied to them to ensure that they carry a brand message wherever they are driven. The benefits of vehicle graphics includes brand saturation, new product awareness and an advertising platform to bring in new business. Advertising blindness and apathy can apply to a lot of different advertising mediums be they traditional media such as newspaper adverts or new media adverts in the form of banners on websites. As vehicle livery is fairly new it can be less prone to being ignored by potential customers.

The benefits to a business includes the following. Having a fleet of trucks which carry your brand message can help solidify your brand in the eyes of customers. It shows that a company is established and helps in conjunction with other advertising mediums to remind the public of a companies presence. By having a fleet of trucks without livery carry goods up and down the country a company is missing a trick. In the case of no livery the fleet of trucks will go unnoticed, an opportunity to increase brand awareness wasted. Trust is a funny thing but a hugely important one for customers to do business with a company. By using livery a company is declaring that they are active and in the public eye and worthy of a customers trust.

Towards the smaller scale of livery it can be a worthwhile investment for a tradesman looking to make more people aware of his business. By applying graphics to a van a sole trader can give the impression to customers of being established in their industry. A tradesman's van is going to be seen often throughout a working day whether it is parked or on the move. There is the opportunity that a person in need of the tradesmans services will see the branded vehicle which could lead to new business.

Vehicle graphics can provide an excellent opportunity for every size of business.